Monday, December 26, 2011

iBuzz Pro - Using Automatic Recruiter to Boost Your Sales and Make Your Business Grow

If you have read the iBuzz Pro reviews, you are probably aware of the benefits of keeping up with the age of technology. There is a computer application for practically every aspect of conducting business, and some, like iBuzz Pro, that serve multiple purposes. The results of this are found in the iBuzz Pro reviews and other information users have posted touting its successes.

One of the most common problems business owners face today is increasing their customer base over a vastly populated global market. Times have changed and people are adopting new technologies in order to keep up. iBuzz Pro is a perfect example of how it has evolved. As the iBuzz Pro reviews have shown, business owners are slowly steering away from some of the more traditional methods of recruiting a customer base such as sending mailings and conducting cold calls. While these methods have certainly worked in the past, a more global market now means a more ambitious approach, one that iBuzz Pro Automatic Recruiter definitely provides.

Automatic Time Set Clock

This software has been on the market since 2006, and during the last two years has received favorable reviews among business owners of all types. Now it is easier than ever to recruit a wide range of customers while saving time and money. For a one time fee of 0.00, you can purchase the application. Once it is set up to meet your specifications, you can begin using it's voice broadcasting capabilities to acquire your customer base. Simply record your own message, or choose from those already pre-recorded for you. This is what your potential customers will hear upon answering their phones, and will serve as the basis of your campaign. Once your message is set up, simply enter your contacts the software is to call. You even have the ability to import contacts from other lists, which makes expanding your list quick and easy.

iBuzz Pro - Using Automatic Recruiter to Boost Your Sales and Make Your Business Grow

Now you can let the software work for you. Once it is set up, you will be able to make multiple calls with just the click of the mouse. The call rates are very low, and you will not be charged for calls that do not connect. Once your new leads are processed, they can be conveniently E-Mailed to you. This allows you to keep up with those who are interested in your business in a systematic way.

As also stated in various iBuzz Pro reviews and testimonials, the software is easy to learn and has been configured with every type of business in mind. Once you are somewhat familiar with the interface, you can begin taking advantage of the free training you receive with your investment. Because it is becoming so widely used, you can also tap into the comprehensive knowledge base and various other resources that have been created by and for entrepreneurs such as yourself.

The developers of iBuzz Pro Automatic Recruiter understand the need for such a powerful tool that enables users to remain competitive in such a fast-paced society. You have the power to decide how well your business will succeed, so read the iBuzz Pro reviews, check out what it has to offer and decide if it's right for you.

iBuzz Pro - Using Automatic Recruiter to Boost Your Sales and Make Your Business Grow

Friday, December 16, 2011

Automatic Cat Litter Box - New Litter Robot Odor Control Features

Automatic and self cleaning cat litter boxes are becoming increasingly popular. The Litter Maid is a well known brand that has mixed reviews. There is also the Cat Genie that washes the litter. The Litter-Robot II has a unique design that reliably sifts litter via a rotating globe. After a thorough evaluation of features and trade-offs, we became convinced the Litter-Robot II is the best auto cat litter box available.

We purchased our first Litter-Robot II in June of 2007. Recently, we upgraded to the new version that has the odor control feature. This article compares the features of three top automatic cat litter box brands and discusses our experience with the new Litter Robot II odor control feature.

Automatic Time Set Clock

The Litter Maid uses a rake to comb through the litter. The rake separates clumps from litter and deposits them into a special receptacle. Receptacle refills must be purchased separately. They are not very large and cost a lot. They are sold 12 in a box for about .99. For just one cat, they need to be changed every 5 days. That adds up to 0.00 per year. Over a typical 15 year cat life span, the cost is 00. Many users have reported problems with the Litter Maid rake getting clogged. It needs to be cleaned often. The Litter Maid reduces the effort of scooping, but requires maintenance of the rake and costs 00 over the life of one cat for special receptacles.

Automatic Cat Litter Box - New Litter Robot Odor Control Features

The Cat Genie is an interesting concept. It uses special cat litter that is washable. The unit connects to plumbing in your home. After the cat completes his business, water enters the litter area, the litter is washed and solid waste is pushed through a grinder before exiting the unit to the sewer. The cat gets his own toilet, literally. Now for the down side. Just like a toilet, the Cat Genie's grinding mechanism can clog. This is very disgusting to clean out. Another down side is the special litter and sani solution for washing the litter.

The Litter-Robot II has an ingenious design. A removable globe sits atop a base having a very large removable drawer. Inside the globe is a sturdy, heavy duty filter that sifts litter from waste as the globe rotates. A trap door rotates around until it reaches the bottom. The waste reliably falls through the trap door to the waste drawer below, that is lined with any type of plastic bag. A cat sensor detects the presence of the cat. There is a timer that does not start the globe rotating until 7 minutes after the cat is gone. This also allows the clumps to solidify, enabling extremely reliable performance. The cat sensor also detects if the cat comes back while the globe is rotating. The globe stops for 15 seconds.

There are only a few negative things that can be said about the Litter-Robot. One is that the Litter-Robot II is not recommended for tiny kittens or cats less than five pounds. Tiny kittens and very small cats may not set off the cat sensor and could get hurt by the trap door. Second, it is not recommended for diabetic cats since urine clumps may be too large. Third, it is not recommended for cats larger than 15 lbs, although users having cats up to 20 lbs have reported successful Litter-Robot II adoption.

Other Litter-Robot benefits: The first is the globe itself. The shape of the globe is ideal for minimizing the amount of litter the cat can kick out. The opening is just large enough for the cat to enter. The globe is lined with a thick rubber material and the screen is coated with the same material. The rubber material prevents and reduces odor absorption by the globe.

The second benefit is easy cleaning. The globe easily lifts off the base. We have found it rarely needs to be cleaned. The screen has never clogged. Once every few months we have found it necessary to empty the remaining litter and clean the globe. Since the globe has no electronics, this is easily done with a hose or in the bathtub. You could take it to a self car wash if you live in an apartment. Similarly, the drawer is easily cleaned by a hose or in a laundry tub.

The third benefit is the Litter-Robot's sturdy construction. It is very solidly built and intended to last a long time. At 9, it may seem like it costs a lot, but if you consider that you are buying an appliance rather than a throw-away consumer product, the price is very reasonable. It's about the same cost as a dishwasher or washing machine and meant to last as long. The warranty is 18 months, 50% longer than standard 1 year appliance warranties.

The odor control features are two-fold. First there is a soft breathable ring that fills the space between the globe and the base. This traps odor inside without allowing odor to build up. Then there is a replaceable carbon filter at the front of the drawer. The drawer step has odor breathing holes to prevent odor build-up. Now the odor must travel through the carbon filter to exit the holes. The odors are effectively neutralized before exiting. The manufacturer recommends replacing carbon filters every 6-8 weeks, or when necessary. We have not changed ours in five months and still do not feel it needs to be changed.

The first Litter-Robot II we owned did not have odor control; odor was not too bad. However, we noticed a significant difference once we upgraded our Litter-Robot. Now we find the odor is not noticeable unless the cat had just used the box, even when standing next to it.

We give the Litter-Robot II a five star ***** review. In our opinion, it is the best self-cleaning cat litter box available.

Automatic Cat Litter Box - New Litter Robot Odor Control Features

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Automatic Responder - Preloaded For You

An automatic responder is the most powerful tool any serious Network Marketer could have! Ever successful Internet Marketer knows the secret to success is found in building a huge list of leads. These leads are captured using a capture page and then sent to an autoresponder; just what is an autoresponder? Be sure you read the last sentence of this article before you leave.

An automatic responder is a piece of software that collects a persons information and sends emails to this contact, and many others, automatically. In most cases, the owner of the automatic responder is responsible for writing the messages. Professional Internet marketers use autoresponders because leads have to opt-in to the system, which means they are agreeing to receive these emails. This helps alleviate the spam issue because people do hate spam. A subscriber is given the easy option of opting out if they so desire.

Automatic Time Set Clock

These messages are loaded into the autoresponder and are sent out at intervals the sender chooses. The great thing about this is that messages can be sent any time of the day or night whether the sender is present or not. Complete courses on just about any subject matter could be sent at prescribed intervals which allows the recipient time to digest one before receiving the next.

Automatic Responder - Preloaded For You

An automatic responder has three main purposes:

1- It allows the sender to build a long-term relationship with the customer and hopefully gain trust. Most people will need to see a product at least seven times before they make a decision to buy.

2- It allows the sender to market products and services to the recipient for years, or as long as the customer continues to receive the messages. The only cost to the marketer is the initial cost of capturing the lead. This makes the email auto responder system so powerful because it becomes a free method of advertising. Imagine sending the same amount of information through letters, post cards, or other traditional methods.

3- An autoresponder series of messages can be used to teach or train recipients if that is the goal. It is also a great way to have literally thousands of messages sent out a one time. They can also be set to respond to messages automatically without having to stop and respond to each question that is asked.

Autoresponder scripts can take quite a while to create. The writer must start with the end in mind and should not come across as being pushy. People do not like a sales person but they do respect a consultant. This is why it is a good idea to start the messages for the first few days with the goal of creating a relationship. Facts tell and stories sell, so it is a great idea to tell people stories. People like to hear stories about the writer and funny stories are even better.

Along with telling stories, creating a character of yourself helps people remember you. Daegan Smith created the character of - "King of Never Calling A Single Lead" - and he is one of the most successful Internet Marketers online! Daegan has so many good stories in his emails and he is an educator, encourager, and entertainer all in one. I look forward to receiving his emails and I will remain on his list for years to come.

Before you sign up for an automatic responder system you need to know that you can find one with one whole year of messages written for you. This is priceless!

Automatic Responder - Preloaded For You

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Is Affiliate Cash Secrets Automatic Money Machine For Real?

So what is Affiliate Cash Secrets and the Automatic Money Machine based on and how can it help you make cash online? Derrick VanDyke gives you a free 13 minute training video. This video will give you an overview of what is offered in Affiliate Cash Secrets and how to go about setting up your first Automatic Money Machine. It is extremely simple to do but if you want you can ask Derrick to set up your first one for you. Derrick over delivers with Affiliate Cash Secrets. He gives you quality products to promote each and every month. You don't have to worry about how to promote each of these products. You get sales pages, squeeze pages and pre sell pages with each product.

Another big plus is the fact that you don't have to deal with the usual hassles of putting up a web site, taking orders from customers or getting the product to them. Everything is included for you. Your only challenge is to introduce others to Affiliate Cash Secrets. Derrick explains how to go about introducing people to the Automatic Money Machine System. Videos are available to help you along the way or you can just shoot Derrick a email if you have a question. The members area clearly explains all the features that go into making this something that will work for a individual if they are serious and will listen to Derrick and follow his lead. Affiliate Cash Secrets over delivers with both product and service and offers anyone who wants to make money online a reasonable chance at success.

Automatic Time Set Clock

Let me say something about the man behind Affiliate Cash Secrets and his Automatic Money Machine. If being helpful and always available to answer any questions you might have are important than you are well on your way to accomplishing everything Affiliate Cash Secrets has to offer. Derrick has always went the extra mile for me when I had a question, concern or just flat out didn't understand something about his Automatic Money Machine. If you are in the least bit motivated but have yet to make your first dollar online or are about ready to throw in the towel Derricks Affiliate Cash Secrets can help.

Is Affiliate Cash Secrets Automatic Money Machine For Real?

It is so important if one wants to succeed online to find something that truly works and than stick with it. It might surprise someone who is having a hard time making any real money online to realize this but there are in deed things that do work and will bring you in a sizeable amount of money every month. But you must devote yourself to one or two opportunities at a time and concentrate on them. Once they start working for you and you have them up and running on their own than you can move on to the next realistic opportunity that presents itself. You will probably find however that you won't need to pursue anything else as the system you are working with will provide all the money you need.

Is Affiliate Cash Secrets Automatic Money Machine For Real?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sony Digital Alarm Clocks - The Best Ones Ever

One of the most common home appliances are the clocks. These devices don't need special treatment and are very functional. Just hanging by the wall and showing the time makes clocks an important object in the household. A mom wouldn't be able to prepare the dinner on time if there was no clock in the kitchen. Likewise, a dad won't be able to get to work on time if there's no clock in the bedroom.

However useful clocks may be, there are other needs that people look for than just being able to see the time. The conventional analog clocks with hands to show the time can only display time and practically have no other purpose. So even if you do see the time, but find out that you're already late, then there's no point in knowing the time at all.

Automatic Time Set Clock

Electronics companies were able to address this need when they invented alarm clocks. Analog system clocks were first to be released, but because they didn't really fulfill the needs of the rapidly evolving modern world, digital alarm clocks soon took their place. These functional devices are better at making people follow a tight schedule.

Sony Digital Alarm Clocks - The Best Ones Ever

Sony is one electronics company that has dedicated their technology and research to the creation of functional and state-of-the-art digital alarm clocks. Its long years of existence and experience have enabled the company to watch the growing world and assess the needs and desires of people who have busy lifestyles.

The many makes and models of Sony digital alarm clocks make them very flexible and functional. These devices offer a great variety of features and functions like single or dual alarm setting, automatic time setting, radio tuner, CD player, lamp, and even internet viewer. There are so many features that Sony gadget can offer, and the styles and designs make them even more likeable.

One space-saving stylish digital clock radio from Sony is the ICF-C218, which allows the users to set their desired snooze time, unlike ordinary alarm clocks with snooze intervals of 5 minutes. Another clock radio is the Sony ICF-C773L which is multifunctional, serving as an alarm clock and a bedside lamp at the same time. And its large snooze button and melodious alarms make it a nice choice of clock. The Sony ICF-C318 has a big, bright, and very visible display that makes looking at the time effortless.

For a more contemporary and sleek design, the Sony ICF-C414 offers a very stylish appearance and functional features at the same time. But if you really want a unique, state-of-the-art, and accessible technology, the Sony Dash Personal Internet Viewer is the best choice for those who still want to keep track of their Tweets and Facebook updates even right before going to bed.

The wide range of Sony digital alarm clocks that are out in the market makes shopping for the best digital alarm clock an extremely delightful experience. You might just want to get them all, but there's definitely one that will suit your taste perfectly. And because they are branded Sony, who would ever think twice about getting them?

Sony Digital Alarm Clocks - The Best Ones Ever

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Automated Income System - 5 Steps to an Automatic Source of Cash in Your Pocket!

Online marketing is not easy and making the cash you want to make online is not going to be something you can just put a few minutes into and leave alone. There is more to it than that and this is why you need these 5 steps to an automatic income system that will produce cash in your pocket each and every day.

1. Figure out what type of affiliate products you want to promote

Automatic Time Set Clock

Those that are successful online and make a lot of cash know what they are good at and they use those strengths to build their income. This means you need to know whether you are a good writer or whether you are better at building a list. Of course, you can always outsource things you are not good at.

Automated Income System - 5 Steps to an Automatic Source of Cash in Your Pocket!

2. Set Clear and Concise Goals/Expectations

Most online newbies do not set proper goals or expectations. They think they should be able to make thousands upon thousands of dollars their first month and that is just not going to happen. Sure it could, but is is more likely that you will make a sale or two your first month and it will take you 3 to 6 months to really make much money.

3. Understand that it takes time to build an automated income system

You are going to have to put in the work before you end up with an automated income system because it takes time to set it up, send traffic to it, and build a list. However, once you get through the work it will create an income for you without you doing anything or very little.

4. This is how the best of the best do it online

Build a list. It really is that simple you need to build a list and learn how to market to that list. There are professionals online that can send out an average email to their list today and pull in over ,000 by tomorrow, but they started by getting one person to join their list just like you will.

5. Take action

The last step in the process is to take action and this is what the majority of new marketers forget about. This is something you need to do because the longer you wait the longer you will have to wait to have your automated income system set up and creating you cash on demand.

Automated Income System - 5 Steps to an Automatic Source of Cash in Your Pocket!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Time For A New Coffee Pot?

The time has come to toss out your old percolator and to go out and invest in a new one. There are many different types to choose from. You are part of the new trend that has been sweeping the nation-you have become accustomed to specialty coffee shops and their literally dozens of different flavors of hot and cold drinks made from coffee.

Now, what type of coffee pot should you purchase? The bottom line is that basically any model can make a good cup of coffee as long as you use decent coffee and follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to make it.
So, what is available? There are manual-drip systems, presses, percolators, and pod coffeemakers that brew individual cups using ready-to-use packets of coffee, tea and hot chocolate. The most popular of these models is the automatic drip coffeemakers.

Automatic Time Set Clock

Coffee pots come in sizes from single servings to 12 cups, to 60 or more cups. There are many different types and styles ranging in price from to over than 0. The more expensive the coffee pot, the more options included such as programmable start and stop functions, a water filter, frothing capability, automatic shut off and a carafe.

Time For A New Coffee Pot?

There are a few features you should consider before purchasing a new coffee pot. These include:

* A removable filter basket--this makes it easy to remove paper filters and to clean.

* A water reservoir that can be easily removed and carried to the sink for filling and cleaning.

* Brewing and temperature controls that can be changed, as needed, when using different types of coffee.

* A programmable timer so that you can set up your coffee the night before--this allows you to wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

* An automatic shut off feature--just in case you go to work and forget to turn the coffee pot off.

How do you decide which brand to purchase? Start by reading Consumer Reports, they rank all coffee pots and give you an honest opinion on each. Also, when at the coffee shop, see what company makes theirs, or check out the machine in the office or ask your friends. Another reliable source is your parents-they have probably been drinking coffee for decades and have their own preferences.

So, if you only drink one cup of coffee in the morning, you might want to get a single-serve drip or press coffeemaker. If you entertain regularly, you may need to have one that makes 10 or more cups at a time. The decision on which coffee pot to purchase is up to you and it is really not that hard to make an informed decision.

Make your own coffee and wake up to the smell of your freshly brewed coffee in your new coffee pot. Experiment with the different flavored coffees and find out which is your favorite morning, evening and dessert coffee. Add special flavored creamers and you will have a delightful tasting beverage for a fraction of the cost of what you were spending at the local coffee shop. You will be glad you made the decision to get purchase one and to brew your own coffee.

Time For A New Coffee Pot?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sony ICF-C180 FM/AM Clock Radio with Automatic Time Set (Pink)

Review Sony ICF-C180 FM/AM Clock Radio with Automatic Time Set (Pink)

Sony ICF-C180 FM/AM Clock Radio with Automatic Time Set (Pink) Feature

  • Automatic present current time (EST) and Time Zone Select button
  • No power no problem alarm system (lithium battery backup)
  • Two color triple time display: green for time, amber for alarm times
  • Weekend alarm mode
  • Choice of radio/buzzer/melody alarm modes

Sony ICF-C180 FM/AM Clock Radio with Automatic Time Set (Pink) Overview

Perfect for your nightstand or dresser, the ICF-C180 clock radio packs an array of functions into a hip, space-saving cube design. Features include an AM/FM tuner, extendable snooze timer and a nap timer. In addition to the large green LCD display, this clock radio offers dual alarm functionality, brightness control and the "No Power, No Problem" alarm system. Start your day with the ICF-C180.

Available at Amazon


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sony ICFC414 Clock Radio

Review Sony ICFC414 Clock Radio

Sony ICFC414 Clock Radio Feature

  • Stylish "floating" design
  • Automatic time set
  • Automatic daylight savings time adjustment
  • No power, no problem alarm system
  • Dual alarm
  • Large 1.4" LED display2 with a stylish "floating" design and handy brightness control function
  • Dual Alarms: Wake up to a buzzer, radio or melody
  • Automatic Time Set (ATS): Convenient automatic time set and daylight savings time adjustment

Sony ICFC414 Clock Radio Overview

Wake up on time with the ICF-C414 AM/FM clock radio. Boasting a large 1.4" LED display with adjustable brightness and an automatic daylight savings time feature, it will provide reliable time-keeping during your slumber. A back-up battery system and NO POWER NO PROBLEM dual alarm system add extra peace of mind for those can't-miss appointments.

Available at Amazon


Friday, October 21, 2011

New Simple Set Alarm Clock Led Display Easy Read Dimmer Control Button Reset Pink by SDI TECHNOLOGIES

Review New Simple Set Alarm Clock Led Display Easy Read Dimmer Control Button Reset Pink by SDI TECHNOLOGIES

New Simple Set Alarm Clock Led Display Easy Read Dimmer Control Button Reset Pink by SDI TECHNOLOGIES Feature

  • Timex simpleset alarm clock.
  • Easy-to-set time and alarm using keypad.
  • Battery back-up system maintains clock and alarm settings and sure alarm. Pink.
  • 100% genuine brand names.

New Simple Set Alarm Clock Led Display Easy Read Dimmer Control Button Reset Pink by SDI TECHNOLOGIES Overview

Manufactured to the Highest Quality Available.

Available at Amazon


Sony ICF-C318 Automatic Time Set Clock Radio with Dual Alarm (Black)

Review Sony ICF-C318 Automatic Time Set Clock Radio with Dual Alarm (Black)

Sony ICF-C318 Automatic Time Set Clock Radio with Dual Alarm (Black) Feature

  • No Power, No Problem Alarm System
  • Automatic Daylight Savings Time
  • Alarm Volume(High/Low)
  • Programmable Sleep Timer

Sony ICF-C318 Automatic Time Set Clock Radio with Dual Alarm (Black) Overview

Stylish Design takes up a minimum of space on the nightstand, desk or dresser. Visible 0.9" Green LED allows the large size numerals to be seen easily, even at night.

Available at Amazon


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sony ICFC705 AM/FM Clock Radio (White)

Review Sony ICFC705 AM/FM Clock Radio (White)

Sony ICFC705 AM/FM Clock Radio (White) Feature

  • ATS (Automatic Time Set)
  • No Power No Problem Alarm System
  • Triple Time Display
  • AM/FM Digital Tuner
  • Melody Alarm

Sony ICFC705 AM/FM Clock Radio (White) Overview

Smart and stylish, the ICF-C705 AM/FM clock radio takes up minimum space with its compact design. Featuring an AM/FM tuner, dual alarm, extendable snooze, nap timer, triple time display, automatic time set and daylight savings time adjustment this clock radio has what it takes to get you moving in the morning.

Available at Amazon


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Equity 88820 Insta-Set LCD Alarm Clock with Temperature Sensor

Review Equity 88820 Insta-Set LCD Alarm Clock with Temperature Sensor

Equity 88820 Insta-Set LCD Alarm Clock with Temperature Sensor Feature

  • Up-to four hour nap timer
  • Accending alarm-LOUD
  • Maintains correct time during power outages
  • Snooze alarm

Equity 88820 Insta-Set LCD Alarm Clock with Temperature Sensor Overview

The 88820 Insta Set clock never needs setting-just plug in the clock and select the correct time zone and the clock sets its self immediately to the correct time. Even automatically adjusts to Day-light Savings Time.Factory installed Lithium Battery maintains the correct time even when power fails or the clock is unplugged.The large blue LCD readout is easy to see and even dims automatically when the lights are turned off. The Readout also shows day,date,indoor, and outdoor temperature. The 88820 comes with remote ,cordless outdoor temperature sensor that works up-to 100 feet away from the from the base unit.

Available at Amazon


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GPX C389 Digital Tune AM/FM Clock Radio with Intelli Set and Line In for 3.5mm Devices (Black)

Review GPX C389 Digital Tune AM/FM Clock Radio with Intelli Set and Line In for 3.5mm Devices (Black)

GPX C389 Digital Tune AM/FM Clock Radio with Intelli Set and Line In for 3.5mm Devices (Black) Feature

  • Digital Tune AM/FM Radio with INTELLI SET Time
  • Dual Alarms, Digital Volume Control
  • 1.2 in Green LED Display, Display Dimmer Control, Daylight Savings Time Button
  • Sleep Function and Snooze Function, Wake to Radio or Buzzer
  • Station Memory Presets

GPX C389 Digital Tune AM/FM Clock Radio with Intelli Set and Line In for 3.5mm Devices (Black) Overview

AM FM radio with digital tuning. Intelliset automatic clock set. Large 1.2'' amber LED display with dimmer control. Auxiliary input. Station memory presets. Digital volume control. Digital clock with dual alarm. Gradual wake feature. Wake to radio or buzzer. Snooze and sleep function. Time zone button, daylight savings time button. Built in speaker. AC power. DC power. Integrated battery back up for digital clock. Includes AC DC adapter.

Available at Amazon


Monday, October 17, 2011

The Seiko Dive Watch SNM035 Simply Looks Good

Good looks can be one of the best reasons for buying a dive watch. We cannot all become professional divers or serious amateurs, but many of us can appreciate a highly functional timing instrument like the Seiko Automatic Dive Watch SNM035. Designed according to its functions and features, in classic dive watch style, the Seiko SNM035 looks more like a tool than a fashion accessory, and to me that's its appeal. What many of us like about a watch designed and built for the rigors of diving is that no-nonsense utility appearance. Still, if you happen to dive, what a tool it is.

The dive tool features of the Seiko SNM035 include its bold, unidirectional rotating bezel with 60-minute scale and luminous marker at the 12 o'clock position for delivering crucial dive time data. For those of you who may not be aware, dive bezels are unidirectional so that if they are bumped or otherwise accidentally adjusted, the dive time that the bezel is set to gauge can only be shortened. Otherwise, if the bezel were bidirectional, a diver could unexpectedly run out of air, because the "adjusted" bezel readout indicates more available underwater time than air tank capacity permits.

Automatic Time Set Clock

Besides the critical timing bezel, a watch made for diving needs to be clearly legible in low light or murky conditions. For that reason, this Seiko watch is designed with large luminous hands and hour markers. Do these over-sized hands and markers make a fashion statement? Well, they are prominent and obvious, so yes they do, but the purpose behind them is not style but function--viz., clear legibility. An underwater instrument also needs to resist water under pressure from getting inside, so the Seiko SNM035, with its twin screwdown crowns and screwdown caseback, is built to withstand submersion to 200 meters, far deeper than most of us will ever need to go.

The Seiko Dive Watch SNM035 Simply Looks Good

The harsh underwater environment also demands high durability and corrosion resistance, so the Seiko SNM035 dive watch is crafted with 316L surgical grade stainless steel for optimum longevity. Nevertheless, a freshwater rinse is still advisable after exposure to salt water. The bracelet that holds this watch in place is also made with 316L stainless steel, and equipped with a fold-over push-button deployment safety clasp and a dive extension for fitting snugly over a wet suit or other outer wear.

One of the most obvious features of the Seiko SNM035 is its size. Dubbed the "Monster," its 45mm x 15mm case is quite a wrist full that makes a very strong impression. Once again, the purpose behind the large size is not fashion per se, but function. The Monster's dimensions provide easy readouts, and make its function rich features possible, which includes housing a fine Seiko automatic movement within.

Because precise timing is crucial for successful diving adventures, accuracy and reliability are all important. Here the Seiko 7s35 automatic/self-winding movement, with 21 jewels and 42 hour power reserve is well up to the challenge. Automatic movement means that you never need to worry about a battery giving out just when you need the time most, a very useful feature when your life may depend upon precision timing.

As if all of the above were not enough, Seiko has equipped its Monster dive watch with a 360-degree compass scale on the dial flange which is fully rotatable for setting bearings and solar/stellar navigation, made adjustable by the crown at the 4 o'clock position (the crown at 2 o'clock adjusts date and time).

To wrap up, the Seiko Automatic Dive Watch SNM035, the Monster, does indeed make a dramatic fashion statement, undergirded by the top tier functionality spelled out above. It projects images of extreme adventures and risk-taking in harsh environments, and with its function-oriented, tool-like design, it conveys confidence in the face of challenges. In short, it simply looks good, for those who dive and for those of us who may never dive.

The Seiko Dive Watch SNM035 Simply Looks Good

Stuhrling Original - Now You Can Find a Watch That's Just As Unique As You Are

The wristwatch you choose says a lot about your personality, your sense of style and your appreciation for fine craftsmanship. While searching for your next watch, consider a quality piece from Stuhrling Original. With an eye for classic styling, Stuhrling Original enjoys a solid reputation for producing long lasting timepieces that hearken back to an era when the wristwatch was a symbol of social status and power.

Since its establishment by founder Max Stuhrling in the nineteenth century, Stuhrling has been offering practical yet fashionable watches that instill a sense of pride in each and every owner. Take a few moments to peruse some of these top of the line watches that stand out in Stuhrling's many lines before making your next purchase.

Automatic Time Set Clock

Stuhrling Original Men's Winchester Grand Skeleton Automatic Leather Strap Watch

Stuhrling Original - Now You Can Find a Watch That's Just As Unique As You Are

Sometimes the sign of a great timepiece can be noted in the maker's eagerness to show off his workmanship. Stuhrling's Winchester Grand Skeleton Automatic Leather Strap Watch for men lays everything out with a truly daring design that allows as unobstructed a view as possible into the piece's inner workings.

The watch's dial, protected beneath a layer of scratch resistant Krysterna crystal, is fully skeletonized, offering an unprecedented view of the gears, sprockets and springs of the Winchester's Caliber ST-90089 Automatic movement with 20-Jewels. Its Arabic numerals, at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock seem to be suspended by scaffolding over a busy working factory.

The watch's stainless steel case is available in silver tone, gold tone or ionic plated black and features an additional exhibition window on the back for an even closer look at the watch's inner action. The watch is finished with a vintage looking black genuine leather strap with black stitching along either edge. Truly an eye catching piece, this watch will draw compliments in nearly any social setting.

Stuhrling Original Men's Tuskege Pilot XL Automatic Leather Strap Watch

For a watch with fewer bells and whistles, Stuhrling Original's Tuskege Pilot XL Automatic Leather Strap Watch will stun you with its bold simplicity. A perfectly utilitarian watch, the Tuskege Pilot also packs a powerful punch of long lasting accurate technology with its Automatic Caliber ST-90016 movement with 22 jewels.

With fewer complications to get in the way of perfection, this watch wears excellence right on its face. Protected with a layer of super hard Krysterna crystal, the luminous dial has an aged white color and is adorned with Arabic numerals at the 12, 3 and 9 o'clock positions, with markers at all other hours. The Stuhrling logo appears just north of center while a date window rests above 6 o'clock.

The dial is protected by a thin black bezel which rests upon an ionic plated black stainless steel case featuring an exhibition window in the back for a glimpse into the watch's powerhouse. The piece is completed with a classic black leather strap with white stitching on either edge. With its simple design and expert craftsmanship, this watch exudes confidence.

Stuhrling Original Men's Chernabog Mechanical Leather Strap Watch

Men who appreciate a bolder, more daring sense of style will love Stuhrling's Chernabog Mechanical Leather Strap Watch. Although this piece features a truly striking design, the true show stopping feature is on the inside. The Chernabog represents the very first purely mechanical watch in the company's history, relying solely on regular hand winding to power the ST-90911 Mechanical movement.

Its looks, however bespeak of the complexity involved in its crafting. The watch is protected by a solid stainless steel tonneau case with exhibition back, and is available in rose, gold or silver tone. The watch's dial is virtually nonexistent. The Krysterna crystal window is adorned with Arabic numerals at each hour position while the face is made up simply of the working gears and sprockets of the watch.

The face only features the hour and minute hands in the center and an independent second counter located on an invisible sub dial south of center. The watch is finished with a black textured leather strap.

Stuhrling Original Men's Ascot Pavilion Quartz Leather Strap Watch

Finally, Stuhrling's classic Ascot Pavilion Quartz Watch offers a solid utilitarian timepiece with some artistic flair. The watch's brown leather strap leads naturally to the round dial and stainless steel case, available in rose or gold tone, which protects a white dial sporting a geometric design and a sub dial just south of center. This handsome piece is powered by Citizen-Miyota Quartz movement, offering an accurate mainstay for any collection that will last a lifetime.

Whether you're in the market for your very first watch or you're adding another gem to your collection, you'll find the Stuhrling Original offers just the piece you've been waiting for.

Stuhrling Original - Now You Can Find a Watch That's Just As Unique As You Are

The Sharper Image EC-B115 AM/FM Clock Radio with Time Projection

Review The Sharper Image EC-B115 AM/FM Clock Radio with Time Projection

The Sharper Image EC-B115 AM/FM Clock Radio with Time Projection Feature

  • Time projection with adjustable angles to illuminate the time on any wall or ceiling
  • Easy-to-Read extra large digital display and illuminated touchpad controls with adjustable backlight: High/Med/Low
  • Timer and nap feature; 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes
  • AM/FM radio with dual alarm and large snooze bar
  • Convenient automatic reset after power failure. Requires 1 - 9V battery (Not included)

The Sharper Image EC-B115 AM/FM Clock Radio with Time Projection Overview

Transcending the ordinary, discover an extraordinary alarm clock the soars above the rest. One so unique, that it anticipates your every need and comfort level, as the time is projected on your bedroom wall or ceiling. A perfect gift for any age, treat yourself to the luxury and convenience of our clever Projection Alarm Clock. Illuminating above your bed, experience a full night’s rest knowing that you’ve got the time. The Sharper Image AM/FM Clock radio projects time on any wall or ceiling for easy viewing. The innovative design includes an easy-to-read extra large display, illuminated touchpad controls, a large snooze bar, adjustable backlight; high/Med/Low, AM/FM radio with dual alarm and timer & nap feature; 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. This product, along with the entire Sharper Image collection, connects innovation with cutting-edge design to provide you with years of dependability and enjoyment. Included in the box are 1 EC-B115 Clock Radio and 1 AC adaptor (6V DC).

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Atomic LCD Radio Controlled Wall Clock T-4668

Review Atomic LCD Radio Controlled Wall Clock T-4668

Atomic LCD Radio Controlled Wall Clock T-4668 Feature

  • Alarm Clock with Snooze Control
  • For Table or Wall Mounting (Folding Stand)
  • Automatic Date and Time Setting
  • 2 inch High Jumbo LCD Time Display
  • Atomic Radio Controlled LCD Clock

Atomic LCD Radio Controlled Wall Clock T-4668 Overview

A highly visible 2" high LCD number clock in a sleek silver colored cabinet. A Precision clock displays month, date, day of the week and is an alarm clock, too. Always accurate, sets automatically from governmental signal sent from Denver, CO. Operates on 1 "AA" (not included.) Measures 9" wide X 9" high X 1" deep.With a large-sized numbers, built-in alarm clock and atomic precision, this elegant digital atomic clock can be mounted to a wall or set on a desk. The easy-to-read display indicates not only the time, but also the date and the day of the week. Requires 1 AA battery, not included. Radio-controlled "atomic clocks" set themselves automatically by tapping into the time signal broadcast from a cesium fountain atomic clock located in Boulder, Colorado. Accurate to 1 second every 60 million years, the atomic clock signal is broadcast all over North America by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Atomic Radio Controlled LCD Clock2 inch High Jumbo LCD Time DisplayAutomatic Date and Time SettingFor Table or Wall Mounting (Folding Stand)Uses One "AA" Battery (not included)Alarm Clock with Snooze ControlBrand: Ken-TechModel: T-4668

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SANGEAN Atomic RCR-3 AM/FM Clock Radio

Review SANGEAN Atomic RCR-3 AM/FM Clock Radio

SANGEAN Atomic RCR-3 AM/FM Clock Radio Feature

  • Radio Controlled Clock
  • Large Lcd Display
  • 14 Station Preset
  • 4 Wake Up Timers; Pll Tuner

SANGEAN Atomic RCR-3 AM/FM Clock Radio Overview


Available at Amazon


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Jensen AM/FM Dual Alarm Clock Auto Time Set Clock Radio - JCR-255 (Black)

Review Jensen AM/FM Dual Alarm Clock Auto Time Set Clock Radio - JCR-255 (Black)

Jensen AM/FM Dual Alarm Clock Auto Time Set Clock Radio - JCR-255 (Black) Feature

  • Auto Time Set - 4 Zone Switchable and Daylight Saving Time Control
  • Dual Alarm with Snooze
  • Wake to Radio or Alarm
  • Cresendo Alarm
  • Audio Line-in Jack for Connecting i-Pod Shuffle, MP3 or other Digital Audio Plauers

Jensen AM/FM Dual Alarm Clock Auto Time Set Clock Radio - JCR-255 (Black) Overview

Wake to radio or alarm with this dual alarm clock radio with snooze function. Utilize the audio line-in jack for connecting your iPod shuffle, MP3 or other digital audio player. The AM/FM receiver with digital frequency display has a cresendo alarm function. A 0.9-Inch green LED display has a hi/low brightness control. Time setting is easy with the auto time set with 4 zone switchable (EST, CST, MST, PST) plus daylight saving time control.

Available at Amazon


Friday, October 14, 2011

New Sony Projection Am Fm Clock Radio Alarm Setting Button Built-In Audio Cable Blue Backlight

Review New Sony Projection Am Fm Clock Radio Alarm Setting Button Built-In Audio Cable Blue Backlight

New Sony Projection Am Fm Clock Radio Alarm Setting Button Built-In Audio Cable Blue Backlight Feature

  • Sony Dream Machine alarm clock with ceiling projection.
  • Brushed aluminum finish. Wake or sleep to nature sounds.
  • Built-in thermometer with room temperature display.
  • Built-in audio cable for digital music player.
  • Direct nature sound playback buttons. Projections display focus dial.

New Sony Projection Am Fm Clock Radio Alarm Setting Button Built-In Audio Cable Blue Backlight Overview

Alarm setting button. Projection with viewing angle change. Projection display rotation button. Digital tuning with 10 station presets. Alarm setting button. Alarm time display. Built-in audio cable. Room temperature display. Blue backlight with brightness control.

Available at Amazon


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sony ICFC707 Clock Radio

Review Sony ICFC707 Clock Radio

Sony ICFC707 Clock Radio Feature

  • Nature sounds to gently fall asleep or wake up
  • Indoor thermometer displays room temperature
  • Single Day Alarm function
  • 2-5-7 Day Alarm
  • Automatic Time Set and Daylight Savings Time Adjustment

Sony ICFC707 Clock Radio Overview

Set two-, five-, or seven-day alarms with the ICF-C707 clock radio. It's ideal for your busy lifestyle, and perfect for ending your day in style. Built-in nature sounds are included to help lull you to sleep, plus the large, back-lit display is easy-to-read at a quick glance. Features automatic daylight savings adjustment, room temperature display and a contemporary design that will complement your decor.

Available at Amazon


Geneva Clock Co 4537E Elgin 2.0" LED Auto Set Bedside Alarm Clock

Review Geneva Clock Co 4537E Elgin 2.0" LED Auto Set Bedside Alarm Clock

Geneva Clock Co 4537E Elgin 2.0" LED Auto Set Bedside Alarm Clock Feature

  • 2.0" Led Auto set bedside alarm clock
  • Automatically sets to time loud alarm
  • Volume & display controls

Geneva Clock Co 4537E Elgin 2.0" LED Auto Set Bedside Alarm Clock Overview

Elgin, 2.0" LED Auto Set Bedside Alarm Clock, Automatically Sets To Time Loud Alarm, Volume & Display Controls.

Available at Amazon


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Emerson CKS3516 SmartSet Dual-Alarm Clock Radio with Time Projection System

Review Emerson CKS3516 SmartSet Dual-Alarm Clock Radio with Time Projection System

Emerson CKS3516 SmartSet Dual-Alarm Clock Radio with Time Projection System Feature

  • Innovative clock radio can project time, month/date, year, or alarm time on wall or ceiling
  • Also includes easy-to-read 1.3-inch LED clock display
  • Automatically sets correct date and time as soon as it's plugged in
  • Programmable dual alarms
  • AM/FM radio

Emerson CKS3516 SmartSet Dual-Alarm Clock Radio with Time Projection System Overview

Emerson CKS3516 SmartSet® Clock Radio with Projection

Available at Amazon


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

RCA RP5420 AM/FM Clock Radio with 1.4-Inch Display and Auto Time Set

Review RCA RP5420 AM/FM Clock Radio with 1.4-Inch Display and Auto Time Set

RCA RP5420 AM/FM Clock Radio with 1.4-Inch Display and Auto Time Set Feature

  • Auto Time Set
  • SmartSnooze
  • Two different alarm settings for two different users: radio or buzzer
  • Programmable Snooze; Programmable Sleep Timer
  • Nap Function

RCA RP5420 AM/FM Clock Radio with 1.4-Inch Display and Auto Time Set Overview

The RP5420 clock radio by RCA is the perfect companion in the morning. The AM/FM clock radio has a large 1.4-inch green LED display that makes it easy to see and to read. The clock can be adjusted to two different levels of brightness to accommodate for different lighting situations. Clock features automatic time set that will set the clock to the current Easter Standard Time once clock is plugged in. Simply flip the switch to select your current time zone. LCD display has a digital frequency readout, so that you can precisely tune to your favorite radio station and read which station you are tuned in to. Connect your mp3 player to the audio input jack and enjoy your music anytime of the day without having to wear headphones. The programmable sleep feature will play the radio up to 2-hours before automatically turning off, allowing you to gently fall asleep to the radio. Clock radio has two different alarm settings that are perfect for couples who wake at different times or for those who need a second reminder to wake in the morning and you can set the alarm to wake you up to the buzzer or to your favorite radio station. The nap function can be set as a quick alarm for a short interval of sleep without disturbing the alarm settings. You can set the nap function in 10-minute increments up to a total of 2-hours of naptime. Alarm clock features programmable snooze that you can set to ring between 1-30 minutes or by the default setting of every 9-minutes. Using the SmartSnooze feature, any of the top buttons will act as the snooze button when alarm has been activated, to ensure that you will find it when you’re half asleep. The battery backup gives reassurance that your alarm will sound even with the loss of power.

Available at Amazon


2" Auto Set Alarm Clock

Review 2" Auto Set Alarm Clock

2" Auto Set Alarm Clock Feature

  • Advance Clock #4537E 2.0" LED Alarm Clock

2" Auto Set Alarm Clock Overview

Geneva Clock 2" Auto Set Alarm Clock 4537E Clocks

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